Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Friday, September 23, 2011

38 weeks

Well, 38 weeks and four days to be exact and I already feel like I'm sitting around just waiting for this baby to come. And waiting I'll just have to do since the doctor doesn't think I'll go into labor in the next week and suggested I schedule next week's appointment and the following week's as well. I'm still a week and a half out from my due date, so I don't have much reason for impatience or panic, but perhaps my expectations (and more so my husband's) had been adjusted by the previous prediction that I'd go early.

But then again, there's always something that still needs to be done and I'm thankful for the extra time. That is if I actually had the energy to do anything productive! In addition to already feeling so darn tired all the time, the cold I caught recently has zapped me of any remaining energy. I look around the house and think about all the typical "nesting" projects you hear about women undertaking - deep cleaning, preparing and freezing meals for after delivery, organizing - and I just don't have the energy for it.

At least all the must-dos I was stressing about months ago, like transitioning Oliver to a bed (so we could reuse the crib) and setting up the baby's room, have been accomplished. And I'm trying to come to peace with the other bigger projects that aren't going to get finished, like the office/guest bedroom, which has become a disorganized, defacto storage room, (just like the old office was) and the basement renovation, which has come as far as we could have gotten it given the long lead times for special orders on finishes. Chris put a lot of sweat equity into the basement, and it wouldn't have come as far as it has without his "weekend warrior" renovation work ethic, but gosh, I did my part by milking this pregnancy all I could to keep the project moving as quickly as possible. Every contractor, inspector with the City of St. Paul, and employee of Home Depot could pick me out of a lineup of the hundreds of people they deal with a day and then quote you my due date. I started every request for quick turnaround with, "I'm due on October 3 and..."

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