Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

37 weeks and on borrowed time

I reached 37 weeks on Monday, a major milestone since the baby is now considered to be full term, and already feel like I'm borrowed time because of the paranoia that I could go into labor at any moment. Based on my 36-week appointment last week, my doctor didn't think I was going to give birth any time in the next couple of days (disappointing my mother-in-law who thought a 9-10-11 birthday would be really cool). But the prediction is still that I could go early. And there's still so much to do, both in actual preparations for the baby (like finishing the baby's room) and things I'd feel at peace knowing they were taken care of now (typical nesting projects focused on reogranization and cleaning).

The good news that came out of last week's appointment is that the baby's head is down, (so no breech baby) which took the ultrasound technician a nanosecond to confirm. She took some additional pictures and meausrements to pass along to my doctor and everything looks as it should be.

The hurdle is that I tested positive for Group B Strep, of which about 25% of healthy women are carriers. There are generally no symptoms and you can test negative during one pregnancy (the case with Oliver) and positive the next, so most women are tested around 36 weeks since a few weeks prior to the due date is the best point at which to predict the GBS status at the time of delivery. The risk is that GBS can be passed along to a baby during delivery. Women who test positive are therefore given antibiotics at least four hours before delivery. This could be difficult for women who want to labor as long as possible at home or who end up with very short labors, but I'm not seeing either being an issue for me.

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