Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Monday, August 4, 2014

Renovation Week #3: Officially Behind Schedule

We've only finished week three of a months' long renovation and I'm facing reality - we're behind schedule.  Sigh. Our au pair arrives in less than two weeks and his room, which was ripped apart during the construction of the second-floor addition, won't be put back together in time. The delay isn't totally unexpected since you can assume two things during a renovation - you will go over budget and the project won't finish on time.  However, just like adoption, where I thought we'd be the exception to what is a long wait for everyone else, I was relying on our renovation to not fall a day behind schedule.  I feel really guilty about welcoming someone into our family for a year and offering him an air mattress to sleep on for his first two weeks. 

Thankfully, our new au pair insists the temporary set-up is not a big deal. But then again, Germans generally are too polite to say otherwise.  Just as thankful I am for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law who have offered to put our au pair up in their home and provide him with such luxuries as a bedroom with a finished ceiling, a door and even a bed. 

As stressed as I am about this particular delay, really, in the grand scheme of things, our renovation is on track.  We've passed all our inspections, which means that after a lull in construction, the contractors are gearing up for the next round of work.  They'll finish insulation by the end of this week and sheet rocking by the end of next week. 

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