Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Goodbye to my life as a stay-at-home mom

I'll just come out with my bittersweet news. I found a job. Actually, a job found me. Just when I was starting to get back into the groove of being a stay-at-home-mom, now that I have more energy and am feeling comfortable with two kids, I got a call about an open position at an organization I interviewed with some time ago. After one interview, the job was mine.

The thought of when and how to reenter the paid workforce never leaves the subconscious of those who stay home with their children. I wasn't sure when the "right" time to go back to work would be. When Chris finishes school? Simply when Soren is a little older? When the youngest enters kindergarten? Even if I had my time as a stay-at-home mom perfectly planned out, there's always that fear that I won't be able to find a job when I want to go back. What if my skills aren't considered current or employers are turned off by a large gap in my resume? So I was thankful my new boss took a chance on me. Even though my youngest isn't yet sleeping through the night, when a job offer landed in my lap, I decided it was the right time to accept.

Given the economy and, particularly, the dwindling number of jobs in the public sector, a job offer is exciting news. But like I said, it's bittersweet. Accepting means that I will have less time with my kids and the wonderful friends who've been a part of my daily life since Oliver's birth. Yes, change is scary, but at the same time it is exciting. So I'm transitioning to this next stage in my life with an open mind and am focusing on the positive aspects.  I will be getting back into my field and learning new skills at a job that will be as conducive to a work/life balance as a full-time job can offer and Oliver and Soren are able to attend a well-run daycare where they can meet other kids. 

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