Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I hate to admit this, but there's a little jealousy brewing at my house and I'm not sure what to do about it. I have little energy and my social life has withered, while Chris continues to be able to stay out late with friends - and also function the next morning. Some of my problem has to do with my attitude. I don't take much initiative with my social life anymore, because I'm wary of looking like a flake by backing out of plans if I'm too tired, or there are few activities I think would be of interest to my friends that fit my need to be indoors when it's really hot, not be too physically tiring and not occur too late (i.e. after 7:00 p.m.). So yes, I could have a better attitude, but when I feel like I'm going to fall asleep at the table during a rare night out with friends, it's difficult to feel like the life of the party - feels instead like defeat for a naturally social person.

As my non-pregnant other half goes to bars and parties with friends, takes up an offer for free tickets to a baseball game with a mere two-hour's notice, plays in a rec sports league and goes out for an impromptu beer or dinner after games and gets to entertain the idea of a multi-night canoe trip, yup I'm feeling left out. Obviously the answer isn't to forbid him from having any fun, but I don't know how to let go of the jealousy I feel because his hobbies and social life haven't changed while mine have.

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