Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Friday, August 21, 2009

Name That Baby Contest

We have thousands of names to choose from, but just can't seem to decide. Before Chris and I lock ourselves in a room for another name brainstorming session, I thought being able to bring some neutral names to the table could help us out. Instead of hashing out the same names, suggestions from blog readers could provide us with fresh alternatives we hadn't considered.

So let's hear them? What are your favorite names for girls and boys?

Chris is avoiding names so uncommon no one's ever heard of them, while I don't want one that's too common. We're trying to avoid the "trendy" names, all the while, hoping we don't settle on something too weird, or else people will think we made it up. I love foreign names, which might put a lot of them in the "never heard of them column" for Chris, who has had difficulty identifying with some of them. However, I am eliminating any foreign names that would be impossible for an English-speaker to pronounce or spell. Or when my friend's Italian boyfriend listed the most popular names for babies in Italy today, I explained to him that there are a couple of his suggestions that I could never give to an American boy because they're just too stereotypical Italian. He wouldn't be able to say his name in parts of the country with a strong Italian-American heritage without someone launching into a Guido imitation.

Sigh. The search continues.


  1. I've always liked the German name Hannes. And I just saw the name Westly the other day which I also liked.

  2. I think it is cool to bring back the old names. Hazel is my vote for that! Also looking back into your family tree do you see any that strike you as cool. Caden's middle name is Jensen which is my paternal grandmother's madien name.

