Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Saturday, December 12, 2015

On the Hunt for Our Christmas Tree

I might have oversold Minnesota winters.  Before matching with an au pair, I warn him or her how brutal winters here can be and make sure he or she is hearty enough to come live here.  We can't afford to have someone freak out when the temperature drops below zero and want to stay indoors because that makes for a long and sedentary winter, both for the au pair and our children.  But Celina wasn't phased.  She bought herself a warm coat and is fully prepared for winter's arrival.  Since they so rarely ever have snow at Christmas where she's from in Germany, she confided in me that one of the things she was most looking forward to about coming to Minnesota was having a white Christmas.  With lots of rain and highs consistently in the 40s this past week, I'm afraid Celina's wish isn't going to come true.  I do everything I can to give my au pairs the year of their dreams, but gosh, Minnesota, you're letting me down! 

It was with this unseasonably warm weather that we went on the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree at Krueger's Tree Farm.  We picked up a saw and trekked out into the fields.  I was glad I had dressed the kids in boots, not for the snow, which there was none, of course, but for the mud!  The unseasonably warm weather meant that more people than expected had also decided it would be more fun to chop down their own tree and the pickings were slim.  After tromping around to for a bit, we decided we'd try our luck with a pre-cut tree instead. 

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