Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Sunday, September 8, 2013

In on it: What adoptive parents would like you to know about adoption

While researching books on adoption, I stumbled upon In on it: What adoptive parents would like you to know about adoption by Elisabeth O'Toole.  I'd highly recommend the book to anyone who has a friend or family member who is adopting or has adopted.  (It's also a worthwhile read for prospective adoptive parents.)

In on it is one of the few books addressed directly to families and friends touched by adoption who want guidance and advice.  In an easy-to-read 150 pages, O'Toole not only summarizes the lengthy and detailed process parents go through in order to adopt, but also addresses trans-racial families, how to talk about adoption and the many decisions adoptive parents must make leading up to and after committing to adoption.  And she says all of it with a positive and non-judgmental writing style. 

In an interview with Minnesota Parent magazine, O'Toole explained what she hopes readers gain from the book.
I would like it to make people feel welcomed and included. I want people to feel more involved and not on the sidelines. I want them to be confident and prepared. We as adoptive parents aren’t the only people who are being called on to address adoption. It never occurred to us that grandparents and other family members would be asked questions about adoption that they might not be able to answer, but it’s important they know how to respond.
Chris and I own a copy of the book and will gladly lend it to anyone who's interested in reading it. 

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