Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The vomit kept coming, and coming, and coming.  Soren sat in the basket of the grocery cart, and every time I thought he had finished hurling onto the floor of the produce section, I'd lean in to comfort him, but he'd pause, and then hurl some more.  When the vomiting finally ceased, I couldn't believe a 19-pound baby was capable of throwing up that much.

My child throwing up indoors in a public place, especially to the excess he did, ranked up there as one of the most embarrassing moments so far of parenthood.  However, I quickly realized the bright side of the situation.  Soren didn't actually throw up on me, so some of my dignity was left intact, he threw up on a surface that could be easily mopped (and not, say, the car) and he threw up in Kowalski's, whose staff is so nice that they practically apologized to me that Soren threw up. 

After an afternoon spent at the doctor's office, where Soren's ear infection had been diagnosed, the fateful trip to the grocery store, and a final stop at the drugstore to pick up Soren's perscription for antibiotics, I was relieved to be home.  My relief was short-lived.  I hadn't even changed Soren when Oliver peed his pants.  Right after I put a feverish Soren loaded up on antibiotics and Ibuprofen to bed, Oliver pooped his pants.  Even then, I was looking at the bright side.  I was already planning on doing a load of laundry. 

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