Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Friday, July 6, 2012

A New Nanny Search

The process of finding a new nanny felt like a cross between Internet dating and the HGTV show House Hunters.  There was the sifting through profile after profile of prospective nannies and trying to judge from a tiny picture whether someone looked nice.  There was the inundation of replies from those who were so qualified they make my parenting ability look pale to those who didn't know how to capitalize words or use punctuation. (Those who know me know I'll ax anyone with bad grammar from my consideration list).  We choose three to interview and right after the last prospect left, Chris and I sat on the lawn as the kids played around us and discussed who we should choose.  Just like on the show House Hunters, we asked ourselves the question, "Will it be house nanny #1, #2 or #3?"  All that was missing for our own reality TV show was the cameras. 

We ended up on the search because our current nanny is moving away at the end of the summer.  She's moving back to Georgia, along with her husband, who is Chris's cousin, so the entire family will be sad to see them go.  Chris is bummed out his cousin is moving, but I really feel the worst for Oliver who talks about Ashley more than anyone other than his parents.  He's old enough to have memories of her, but not old enough to understand what it means to move away. 

That's the part about daycare, though, you have to accept that people will come in and then out of your children's lives.  Luckily, we have a woman who is going to arrive in their lives who I think they'll really like.  She loves doing arts and crafts projects will kids, loves to cook and has offered to teach Oliver and Soren her native Portuguese.  I was left with a good feeling that she has the energy, creativity and background to do the what I think is the most difficult job next to being a parent. 

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