Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Never ever ask...

Never ever, ever, EVER ask a woman when she's due if you're not 100% sure she's actually pregnant.  Like, sure in that she told you directly that she's pregnant.  Because I can tell you that if you're wrong, you're dead wrong.  So don't even take the chance.  Just keep your mouth shut. 

I've been self-conscious after both kids were born that I still look pregnant, and more so now since some weight around my mid-section has been stubbornly sticking around.  But never did I imagine that someone would actually think I'm pregnant.  So when the first words out of the car dealership's financing guy's mouth were, "When are you due?" I was in disbelief. 

"Excuse me?" I asked.

So he repeated himself.  And I got to inform him that I wasn't actually pregnant. 

Chris told me later that it was so awkward that he would honestly have paid $1,000 to be able to walk out of that room.  If the question had come from the sales guy, I would have walked out and he would have lost a car sale.  But the deal was practically done.  The check had been written and credit scores pulled, and our car was being cleaned up and delivered out front.  I mustered through the paperwork and let the tears come later.

One stupid question devastated me in a way I didn't think was possible.  It shoved to the surface all the insecurities I have about my body.  And it reminded me of the frustrations I battle in not being able to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and how out of proportion I feel.  Eight months after giving birth and making pain-stakingly slow progress (but progress, nonetheless) in trying to get back in shape and someone still thinks I'm pregnant?   Despite feeling like I have more muscle tone than I ever have due to the weight lifting class I've been participating in, a total stranger still thinks I'm pregnant.  I felt ready to throw my hands up in defeat. 

If I wasn't already obsessed with how I look, I can't pass a mirror now without analyzing whether or not I think I look pregnant.  I realize the sundresses I prefer wearing don't help my cause, but really, I ask myself, do I look pregnant enough to elicit a question from a stranger about my due date?   A few days later, the question still hurts, but I'm at least leaning towards finally believing that this guy was out of his mind.

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