Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Monday, July 15, 2013

Soren Update: 21 Months

Would I regret it if I trimmed Soren's curls on the back of his head?  He's finally growing hair, which is growing faster on the back of his head than anywhere else.  Now that it's hot and humid, that little bit of longer hair curls and those wisps of fine baby hair are so darn cute.  The curls require constant grooming, though, or else the back of his head becomes a big matted mess.  I can't decide whether to give the curls a little trim or just leave them be. 

In addition to growing hair, Soren is also growing the list of words he can say.  Car, bubble, Oliver, go, up, please, thank you, help, book and dog are all words that he can say, or least well enough to resemble the actual word.  It's a joy to listen to him babble and then hear him say a real word.  And every time, I think, "Where did that come from?" 

And he's learned how to say, "Mine!"  Dear me.  It has begun.  So far, his declarations of "mine" have been cute since he hasn't learned to use the word to its full capacity yet.  We were walking out to the car once when he looked up at me and held up the car he had in one hand and quietly and happily said, "mine." 

Even if Soren isn't screaming, "Mine!" he still does a lot of screaming and shrieking.  For all the words he can say, sometimes-ear-piercing shrieks are his primary form of communication.  I find it amazing (and super annoying) how quickly Oliver has learned how to push Soren's buttons just by looking at him.  A glance his way can send Soren into screaming fits and I've already found myself reduced to hissing at Oliver to stop looking at Soren.    

He's got a good appetite for a toddler, but one type of food he's become addicted to are granola or cereal bars.  It took me awhile to realize that when he screamed "Bar!" he was talking about a granola bar.  Oliver called them "O-bars" at this age, but for Soren, it's simply "bar". 

Although it's been really hot lately, it is nice to be able to head outside with the kids without having to bundle them up, because Soren loves being outside.  It's so cute how he steps his feet up and down as soon as you put his sandals on and then he runs to the door and tries to get out even as you're trying to open it for him.  I found a $3 Big Wheels-type tricycle at a garage sale and it has a handle that sticks up from the back so I can push Soren on it and he loves "cruising" the block.  He's also obsessed with the water table and dumping water on the sidewalk.   

Soren has been having a rough time falling asleep for weeks now.  I think he's just so aware of the world and doesn't want to miss out on the fun.  He's got the bedtime routine down.  He knows he brushes his teeth and then he lies down on the floor so I can change his diaper.  He's so excited to pick out a book that I'm often trying to change him into pajamas while he's reaching for a book.  Then he hops into bed, pulls his cover over his lap and excitedly waits for his bedtime story to begin.  However, once I finish reading, he looks over at his bookshelf, points and yells "Book!" and then breaks down and wails when I kiss him goodnight and tell him it's time to go to sleep.  We have some nights that go better than others where we he settles down once we go back him and give him another kiss and reassuring snuggle.  Other nights he cries "Mommy!" so pitifully that I regret that he's learning to talk. 

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