Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Big Eyes and an Old Soul

Here are two of my favorite photos of my little boys, taken of them around the same age.  It's their eyes that I love. Everytime I come across these photos, I gravitate to their eyes and have trouble looking away.

Up until Oliver finally grew a full head of hair, I heard often about what big eyes he had.  It seemed everyone marveled at those big brown eyes that studied you cautiously, but intently.  Chris and I sometimes looked at each other and wondered who gave Oliver his big beautiful eyes.  The color is surely from Chris, but it seemed like the eyes that captured the attention of strangers are distinctly his. 

Oliver, age 18 months
Can you believe from this picture that Soren has a big grin and an infectious laugh?  He's overall such a happy kid!  If he's not smiling, he looks, as a friend described him, as having an "old soul."  He'll follow you with his gaze and connect with your emotions with those eyes. 
Soren, age 20 months


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