Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - A Year in Facebook Status Updates

January 5
To my friends living abroad where it's already January 6, thanks for the early (for me) birthday wishes!

January 6
Plucked a few extra gray hairs this morning while doing my hair (but still didn't get them all)...33, I'm ready.

January 7
Chipping away at that 2012 deductible. Urgent Care visit for a double ear infection and pink eye in both eyes (Oliver) and $80+ in antibiotics.

January 18
Must get off Pinterest and get ready for work, must get off Pinterest and get ready for work. Why is that site so addicting?!

January 18
Must stop playing with the baby and get ready for work, must stop playing with the baby and get ready for work. Now why is the baby so addicting? :)

January 23
Twin Cities residents, how are the roads and traffic this morning? Particularly I-94?

February 11
I gave a lesson in the basics of baking this evening to a two-year-old....and a 29-year-old. Ten minutes until we see how their banana bread turned out.

February 26
We'll see if that was enough of a nap to go Rock the Cradle.

March 3
This is why I’m so tired all the time.

Photo: This is why I'm so tired all the time.
March 16
In Minnesota you can't officially welcome spring until at least April, but after the sunny, warm weather we've had the past couple of days, I'm going to be really upset if it manages to snow at all in the next couple of weeks. We went out to eat tonight and the restaurant had to switch on the air conditioning. This weather is unreal.
April 5
I'm embarrassed by how much we're packing for a four-day trip, especially when two in our party are under 30 pounds. I can't wait until the kids are old enough to pack and carry their own stuff.
April 28
Spending Saturday night with Chris and a bottle of wine while we plan a trip to NYC.
April 29
Chris suggested I might as well take advantage of being up at 4 or 5 a.m. every morning and get a paper route and make some extra money. Instead, I'm giving the sleep training another go.
May 9
I'm very disappointed to hear the news out of North Carolina.
May 9
After a long time off, I'll be back on the soccer field tonight. I'll miss playing for Hansa, but do look forward to playing for the first time with Fuego. Thanks for inviting me to play Sarah Roberts Delacueva!
May 12
Gorgeous day for the farmers' market and gardening. Our yard is on the way to getting some color!
May 30
You know I can't resist dogs, especially ones who support equality.

Photo: Dogs sure know how to tell it like it is.  First fan to put a shirt on their dog (today) and upload the photo wins a free tee!
June 7
Twice in the last week someone has commented on my Minnesota accent....
June 16
We're going to try to go strawberry picking before the storms come. Even if it rains, a rainy afternoon will the perfect excuse to stay indoors and try my first attempt at making strawberry jam.
June 27
Proud owner of a new Camry!
July 2
Not a bad job with my first time trimming a squirmy toddler's hair. Just ignore the really short spot on the back of his head.
July 4
Minnesota folks...Does anyone happen to know if the tornado sirens still go off if the first Wednesday of the month is a holiday? I'm assuming so, but I'm trying to figure out my strategy for nap time.
July 6
Chris and I decided we can officially call Soren a crawler.
July 7
Hey fellow parents, how would you respond to the prospective nanny who inquiries in her intro e-mail whether my house is kid-friendly and neat and organized?
July 15
Oliver knows how to take his diaper off. Awesome.
July 21
Six hours with no kids or husband. What to do, what to do?
August 17
Good friends, wine and dessert on the candle-lit porch on a cool summer evening makes me happy. A little tipsy, but happy.
August 22
St. Paul ECFE families - Do you know when we're supposed to hear about fall ECFE classes?
August 28
 My little brother is getting married!  (She Said Yes YouTube link)
September 13
Chris and I are taking a (kid-free!) trip to New York City. Any suggestions of what to see?
September 23
Does someone in the St. Paul area have a glass cake stand I could borrow for Oliver's third birthday party? Thanks!
September 29
This little guy turns three today!

Photo: Oliver turns three!

October 7
"Same-sex unions may not affect my marriage specifically, but it will affect my children -- the next generation." Funny how I've been saying the same thing, Mr. Birk, about this amendment. You see, I worry about the kids too, but clearly ...

for different reasons. I do not know whether Oliver or Soren or any of my friends' kids are gay or straight (or something else). My marriage may be technically unaffected by the passage of this amendment, but how will I face the next generation if some of them will be permitted to marry and others will October 28
How did I get through Target this morning without running into a single person I know? KM Bub and Charles Gordon, where were you?

October 30
I knew the kids sleeping in and letting me get ready for work in peace had to be too good to be true. Oliver threw up and Soren climbed/fell out of his crib.

October 31
Photo: Happy Halloween from Oliver and Soren!

November 4

Clothes washed, trash taken out, floors mopped, kids bathed - I think I can say we're officially recovered from the great potty training fail of 2012. Why is my husband always out of town when there is a bodily fluid mishap with the kids?

November 5

I'm voting no tomorrow for these two little guys. Whoever they love when they grow up, I want them to have the same rights their father and I have. Why would I want anything less for my children?

Photo: I'm voting no tomorrow for these two little guys.  Whoever they love when they grow up, I want them to have the same rights their father and I have.  Why would I want anything less for my children?

November 6

It was an emotional evening for me, but I'm going to bed happy and I remain optomistic that Minnesota's two constitutional amendments will be defeated.

November 7

Proud to call myself a Minnesotan.

November 18

Oliver went to his two-year-old friend's birthday party today and came home wearing her pants. I hope the string of accidents he's had lately isn't a sign of potty-training regression.

December 15

Can't remember the last time I was out past midnight let alone LEAVING at midnight to go out...

December 28

Teaching my Grandmother to use the laptop she got for Christmas. It's requiring patience on both our parts. Christopher Chesla, if you eventually receive an e-mail from her, that means she's passed the test!

December 31

It's ironic that on the biggest party night of the year, I had to head home when most people were going out. However, two munchkins stayed out as late as they could before their bed/crib were calling their names.

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