Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Oliver's two-year and Soren's one-month wellness check-ups

I finally got Oliver to his two-year wellness check-up at the end of this week.  I had held off on scheduling it until the baby was born, but then Soren arrived super late and I discovered it's difficult to land a double appointment for two kids.  So instead of getting Oliver in alongside Soren's newborn appointment, I got him in with the baby's one-month appointment. 

I was hoping Oliver would show off his new vocabulary to the doctor.  Whereas I had expressed concern at his 18-month appointment that he was talking yet, the doctor must have heard enough from him amidst the crying to determine that he is now on track with speech development.  For the past week, Chris had been meticulously recording every word Oliver can say in case the doctor asked, and then it never came up.  (He can say just over 100 words, in case you're wondering.)

Meanwhile, Oliver is 34 and 3/4 inches tall (55th percentile) and weighs about 25 pounds (25th percentile).  They're now calculating his BMI, which is 14 (<5th percentile).  Because she didn't have any concerns about the ratio of his height to his weight, she said we could continue with whole milk and wouldn't recommend anything under 2% for now. 

Soren is 21 inches long and up a half an inch from his newborn appointment and a full inch from birth.  He's in the 45th percentile for height, down from the 75th.  I don't give these percentiles much weight, as the doctor had told me when Oliver was a young baby that they don't find their "genetic path" until they're about nine months old.  As for weight, Soren is an even 10 pounds, or 50th percentile.

The doctor said both boys looked great and gave them a clean bill of health.  And she didn't forget to assure me I was doing fine as a mom.  She must tell everyone that, but gosh, she sure does know what we want to hear.

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