Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bumpy Road Through Pregnancy

I'd been working on an entry about how not fun this pregnancy has been for me, but it was becoming too long and whiny. So maybe I'll spare you, my reader, and just save it and promise myself I'll reread it before deciding whether to try to get pregnant again. Although it's frustrating that I still can't stay up past 8:00 p.m. and it's embarrassing how rapidly my physical fitness has declined, the good news is that I'm physically feeling a lot better. Not awesome, but better. The worst of it - eight weeks of nausea, fatigue and food aversions - has passed. I'm over a bad cold, and the rhinitis, while not gone, is maneagable, especially in comparison to the state I was in before I kicked the nasal spray addiction. I still struggle with the feeling that I'm not being the best mom to Oliver when I have so little energy, but with the end of Chris's hectic work travel less than two months away, we'll manage.

While I was trying to document the last couple of months, I came across an article on, "Bumpy Road," written by a woman whose experience being prengant sounds a lot like mine. Why write when someone else has written it so much better, right? Besides, she's a lot funnier.

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