During the long wait, I had casually researched what we would need to do to prepare to leave for China, but when our departure was suddenly imminent, I could hardly think straight about all that we had to do and didn't know where to start. I finally sat down and drafted a to-do list. It was three pages long and, no, we didn't manage to check everything off that list. But when it was all said and done, we made it to China and back home again with our two children.
The list here contains travel prep I think applies to most people. I edited out the items specific to our family, like registering our son for kindergarten, since the deadline fell while we were away. We left our older children home with Grandma and Grandpa and had people staying at the house the whole time we were gone, so our to-do list reflects that situation.
and Cars
Paint kids’ room
Furnish kids’ room
Decorate kids’ room
Car maintenance (oil changes, windshield washer fluid, etc.)
Schedule house cleaning while we’re away
Instructions and check for house cleaner
Stock up on household items (paper towels, toilet paper, etc.)
Withhold mail
Stop newspaper
Arrange care for pets
Find someone to tend gardens - water plants, weed as needed
Find someone to mow the lawn
Arrange snow removal
Leave extra house key with neighbors
Adoption Tasks
Using list from agency, compile all adoption documents and store in
plastic file folder
Copy files onto flash drive
Request cash from bank for orphanage donation
Gifts for civil affairs, nannies, etc.
Research flights
Contract travel agents
Book flights once we have CA
Research travel insurance
Contact health insurance company about coverage in China
Print additional passport photos (for visa and travel)
Double-check your passport is still valid for at least six more
months past your return date
Fill out and sign visa paperwork
Mail to courier (we used There’s Always Hope)
Purchase supplies for trip (see packing list)
Notify credit card companies of your travel plans
Ask bank and credit card company about fees for withdrawing money
Book hotel in Hong Kong
Contact doctor about vaccinations, prescriptions, etc.
Fill prescriptions
Leave behind copies of passports, visas, credit cards, drivers
E-mail family and friends travel itinerary and how to reach us
Verify flights within three days of travel
Set up VPNs on laptop and cell phones
Download podcasts, movies (for you and the kids), ebooks, games
Schedule appointments with specialists, pediatrician, International
Adoption Clinic for return
Set up auto-pay to pay bills
Freeze meals
Get haircuts
E-mail family and friends info about airport homecoming
Put gym membership on hold
Install kids’ car seats in the minivan
For those staying with our children
Medical power of attorney for children
Visa gift cards to cover expenses for the kids
List of emergency numbers/contact information
Grocery list of what we’d like stocked up for our return
Photo albums of our family for the kids
Paper chain for the kids to count down the days until our return
Notify preschool about our departure
Schedule babysitters to relieve Grandma and Grandpa while we’re gone
Notes for caregivers about the kids’ routines, trash and recycling days,
Share Internet connection password
Before Departure
Change voice mail greeting on cell phone
Clean out wallet and only bring what’s absolutely necessary
Trial run with packing to make sure everything fits and is under
weight limit
Day of Departure
Put fresh sheets on the bed
Take out the trash
Thank you!!! Just printed this!