Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I was thinking about the park last night while lying in bed.  We've had so much rain lately that we haven't been in awhile and I wanted to get back into our routine of meeting friends there and letting the kids play together.  The last time we'd gone with any regularity was in the fall, which had been unusually warm and dry well into October.  I was pregnant and anxious to give birth, especially as my due date came and went.  It's odd for me to think back on a time when Soren didn't exist yet, because it's difficult now to imagine not knowing him.  Now my memories of being pregnant with him are intertwined with my knowledge of who he is.  When I think back on those final weeks of my pregnancy, I think of being at the park not just with Oliver, but both my kids.  I remember Oliver playing in the sand, sliding down the slide and wanting to be pushed on the swing, and I imagine Soren tucked inside my womb, secure and happy.  Now that I've met him, the memory of my connection to him when I was pregnant with him is even stronger than when I could only try to imagine the baby who was going to be my son. 

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