Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Monday, September 21, 2009

36-Week Appointment

I'm a pregnancy super trooper no more, but my doctor actually seemed delighted to hear some complaints out of me. She says it just means I'm normal.

Since about my 35th week, the soreness in my fingers has grown worse to the point where my lack of a comfortable grip on a chef's knife makes chopping vegetables, well dicey, my feet ache more often, the gas pain and pressures has me wondering whether labor won't be as bad, or whether it will be worse, and I have to wedge my feet into my clogs. I hear so many comments about how awful it is to be pregnant in the summer, but the changing to the autumn chill from sandal weather just adds more anxiety to the question of what I'm going to wear.

And the doctor said it's just going to get worse, (I suspected it would be downhill from now on) so when she offered me braces for my wrists to increase circulation while I'm sleeping, I accepted. My surprisingly quality sleep (for a pregnant woman) hasn't been interrupted the past couple of days by late-night trips to the bathroom, but instead, because any number or combination of limbs has gone numb. Then I'm awake and realize I have to go to the bathroom, again. But the process of getting out of bed, however cumbersome, at least temporarily improves blood circulation.

The good news is that despite my list of complaints, (which really are mild and totally normal for someone who is nearly full term) my body is already preparing itself for labor. Even though Chris's co-workers apparently know some intimate details, I'll spare the rest of you - I am trying to preserve some dignity in this process. But this is where it's going to get really exciting, or move agonizingly slowly. There's enough change happening to warrant appointments every week now, and eventually every couple of days. While it could be easily another five weeks until I deliver, if I went into labor now, my doctor wouldn't intervene anymore and would let nature runs its course.

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