Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Kiera, Matteo, Oliver and Soren

Friday, April 3, 2009

Outfitting the Baby

This is less of a story and more a request to keep your eyes and ears open for any “gently used” baby stuff your friends, co-workers or neighbors may be selling over the next couple of months. Chris went to tackle organizing what will become the baby’s room, but realized since we have nothing yet – no crib, dresser, clothing, toys or decorations – he wasn’t sure what needed to be moved out and what we need to make room for.

We’re trying to be friendly to the environment, and we’re well, frugal, and would rather buy used to save money. But we’re also looking for quality, because we plan to get as much mileage out of this stuff as possible. We hope to use any baby equipment for future children and would rather buy furniture that can be repurposed as toddler furniture and even teenage furniture way down the line.

As parents-to-be, we’re haven’t quite figured out exactly what we’ll need, but we’re starting our search for certain items:

• crib (in white to contrast the dark grey walls we don’t want to repaint; preferably one that converts to a toddler bed)
• crib bedding
• mattress
• dresser and/or changing table (also in white and doesn’t have to be a true changing table, but a piece of furniture we can put a changing pad on top of and then repurpose as a regular dresser as the baby grows older)
• book shelves (in white)
• toy chest
• stroller (preferably one with a matching car seat)
• car seat (we know car seats come with expiration dates and we’ve been told this is the one thing you should buy new, but if we know the seller and know the seat wasn’t used in a car involved in an accident, we’ll consider it)
• 2 car seat bases
• baby sling (along the lines of a Baby Bjorn)
• child carrier (a backpack you can plop your baby into and go for a hike, run errands, or mow the lawn; I tried on packs made by Deuter, Kelty, and REI that fit well on my small frame)
• cloth diapers

We’re open to advice on what brands you trust or what gadgets you found you can’t live without. We know the above list is quite short, but it’s just what we’re starting with. If you hear about anything else for sale, please let us know.


  1. Kirsten,

    What about that esteemed Down East institution, LL Bean? I haven't checked their catalogue or website, but chances are they carry some of the things you mention. Their prices aren't the cheapest, but it's always good quality and the ability to return items.

  2. Ah, if we could afford to buy everything new, it'd be a lot easier. Unfortunately, we could easily spend thousands of dollars outfitting the baby and its room. Child carriers are around $200 new, cribs $250 on up to $500 or $600 and then another $180 for the bedding, $179-$270 for a "travel system" (car seat and stroller) and $50 for each car seat base. And that's just transport the child around and give it a place to sleep. Cost alone is why we're not buying anything new unless we have to. Plus, I think it's a shame to not try to be less wasteful reuse items that other parents may have only used for a few months or years. I'd rather buy used to be able to afford better quality than buy something of lesser quality just to get it new.

  3. Garage sales, garage sales, garage sales! We have had lots of luck finding clothes for the kids at garage sales. I also look for clothes that my children will some day wear and organize them into totes for future use. So for Caden I have three totes on deck...4T, 5T, & 6T. When I find clearance items, which are usually never in the size you need but a size down the road, pick it up toss it in a tote for the future. This way you too are ready for the next stage in clothes, that you saved money on, versus having to go buy clothes at the time they need it (when it probably won't be on sale). Garage sales are also a great place to find books at for a great price. A travel system is the way to go and you save a few bucks purchasing together. You will be amazed at how generous people are when they know you are first time parents. Do your research on safety of car seats. Some brands you are only paying for name and not safety in my opinion. Let people know or register for what you find will be a good match for your family. I am a firm believer on not reusing car seats. We use the top of Elle's dresser as a changing table and have a shelf hung on the wall above the dresser that holds all diaper changing items. This eliminates the changing table which is nice. I see you are planning cloth diapers...I applaud you for being so good to the environment. If you choose the other route of disposables I find the best deals at Target. They always have diaper sales and use coupons. We have stocked up on diapers when we have coupons and when on sale. Also, if you plan to nurse and continue when you go back to work. I would suggest purchasing a good breast pump (I have a medela). If you have a good one you are more likely to stick with it when returning back to work. Now a good breast pump could run 250 dollars but worth every penny versus the cost of formula and the benefits for your child. I have seen but not purchased any equipment from Once Upon a Child. Things have looked in good condition there. I could probably go on and on about saving money. I love deals. Living on only one income we have figured out ways to save money. I know I have thrown a lot of what we do at you but what may work or has worked for our family doesn’t mean that it is what you want. I remember reading when I was pregnant with Caden about all the unwanted advice you will get. Just listen and smile. You choose what is best for your family. You don’t have to do what others say or suggest. You and Chris are this child’s loving parents. You two will figure it out and always follow your hearts. If you ever have questions or need some to listen to when you get overwhelmed you can always call or email me. Susan Chesla

  4. I love a good deal too. Thanks for the great advice Susan! Shoot, when I was at REI trying on child carriers, I guess I should bought some of the baby/toddler winter gear on sale. The suggestion of organizing clothes in totes is really helpful. I do plan to start hitting up the garage sales and the Stillwater Library book sale next week.

    I'd like to go the clothe diaper route, but Chris and I haven't talked about it yet - I imagine we'll end up doing a combo. But I am committed to trying to breast feed, so I appreciate the breast pump suggestion. All this stuff is whole new world for me.

    I definitely want to hear more of your suggestions. Thanks for sharing!
